Photovoltaic supply chain

A dynamic, flexible and sustainable service network made up of local suppliers aligned to our values.

Trabajador de SOltec trabajando durante el proceso de cadena de suministro en Solhub

Responsible supply chain practices

Aware that having a diversified supply chain guaranteeing supply and service to customers is paramount, we have built a dynamic, flexible and sustainable network of local suppliers which allows us to be better prepared to face any global market disruption.

Our procurement policies aim to build a solid foundation of certified suppliers with the aim to meet customer demands and expectations through efficient and transparent management, all with the intent to continuously identify and mitigate inherent social and environmental risks throughout the supply chain.

Management model

Supply chain management is coordinated by Procurement, a department considered cross-functional and strategic in the management of projects developed by Soltec.

This department has four clearly differentiated functional areas which are aligned to Soltec’s strategy:

The principles of the Procurement department

The functions performed by the Procurement department, from the sourcing phase to supplier accreditation and selection for purchase operations, are carried out in line with key principles and sustainability criteria defined in the Procurement Policy, approved in 2020.

These principles are based on the company’s quality certificates and on the United Nations Global Compact principles.

Trabajador de Soltec manipulando la parte electrónica de uno de los productos

In-House process optimization through the Lean methodology

In November 2021, we rolled out a project using the Lean methodology, with the aim to enhance tracker supply project management.

Through the definition of responsibilities, the aim is to optimize supply chain management processes and remove tasks which do not add value, with the ultimate goal of promoting a cultural change focused on the improvement of project management.

Our purpose

Soltec was born with the purpose of creating a clean, sustainable and fair world based on efficient photovoltaic energy production. To achieve this, since its inception Soltec has been committed to leading the global photovoltaic energy market, offering reliable solutions through the most advanced technology.

Soltec encourages its suppliers, customers and employees to share this vision and is committed to developing environmental and sustainability actions that disseminate these values.
