Stock Information

Learn more about the performance of our shares and relevant information for investors.

Shares and share capital

The share capital is fixed at €22,846,679.25, divided by 91,386,717 ordinary shares with a nominal share value of €0.25 each. All shares are of the same class and grant the same voting and dividend rights.

Since October 28, 2020, the shares of Soltec Power Holdings, S.A. are listed on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia Stock Exchanges and are traded through the Automated Quotation System (Continuous Market).

Significant shareholdings

CNMV (Spanish National Securities Market Commission)
Corporate name of shareholderVoting rights attributed to shares (%)Voting rights through financial instruments (%)Total voting rights (%)
% Direct% Indirect% (B) (A+B)
MORALES TORRES, RAUL0.01319.9880.00020.000

Treasury stock

CNMV (Spanish National Securities Market Commission)
% of voting rights
% Direct% Indirect% TotalDate of entry in the CNMV’s registry

Initial Public Offering Prospectus (IPO)

Download Soltec Power Holdings IPO prospectus.

Escenario con el logo de Soltec el día de la Salida a Bolsa de la compañía
Edificio oficial de la CNMV